Author: Olivier

Swisslog and MGF join FEM

FEM is pleased to announce that MGF and Swisslog were welcomed as members during the FEM Spring General Assembly meeting in Brussels on 24 April 2024. Maskingrossisternes Forening (MGF), the Norwegian Association, brings together 116 member companies within the machinery industry. Tone L. Grøstad, President of Maskingrossisternes Forening: “MGF is happy to be part of… Read more »

Swisslog and MGF join FEM

Celebrating International Women’s Day with Roberta Togni

We are proud to celebrate International Women’s Day on 8 March as a special opportunity to shine the spotlight on women working in the materials handling industry, highlighting unique experiences and expertise, and what led them on this career path. Today we share with you the story of Roberta Togni, General Counsel & CSR Officer of… Read more »

Celebrating International Women’s Day with Roberta Togni

FEM for Corporates

To further develop how our association can create value for our industry and increase our impact, FEM is pleased to present a new proposal, ‘FEM for Corporates’. This proposal aims to help you as a company to grow your influence, network, and visibility. What does this offer?A unique corporate network for manufacturers to connect, access… Read more »

FEM for Corporates

FEM to launch AIV Group

We are pleased to announce the launch of FEM Group on Autonomous Intralogistic Vehicles (AIV) Whereas the AIV business is increasing at a rapid pace, increasingly attracting customers and investors’ attention, this initiative aims at providing the largest European platform for AIV manufacturers to engage in technical cooperation and information exchange. Click HERE for the… Read more »

FEM to launch AIV Group