Author: Olivier

FEM against Ecodesign requirements for displays integrated in machinery

FEM participated in the public consultation on the draft Ecodesign measure on electronic displays As part of the better regulation agenda, the EU launches public consultation on draft legislation, such as the draft Ecodesign implementing measure on electronic displays. In a nutshell, FEM requests the full exclusion of all displays integrated and to be integrated… Read more »

FEM contributes to the evaluation of market surveillance in Europe

FEM submitted its input on a survey developed by Ernst & Young (E&Y) on the evaluation of the market surveillance provisions laid down in the Regulation (EC) No 765/2008. This evaluation seeks to perform a comparative analysis of the application of the market surveillance provisions in the regulation, across the 28 Member States, and to assess… Read more »

FEM discusses interchangeable equipment at Machinery WG meeting 9-10 November 2016

During the European Commission Machinery Working Group which took place on 9-10 November 2016 in Brussels, FEM provided comments and actively participated in the discussions on the status of inter-changeable equipment, particularly on: – paper by INAIL (Italian National Institute for Insurance against Accidents at work) on industrial trucks and equipment for handling loads –… Read more »

WITS Q3-2016 published

FEM Product Group Industrial Trucks has just released the World Industrial Trucks Statistics for the 3rd quarter of 2016. They can be found either in the section “Industrial Trucks” or in the section “General Publications” WITS is a worldwide statistical reporting programme tracking orders and shipments of industrial trucks around the globe. 7 trade groups… Read more »