Category: Uncategorised

Joint Industry Statement on Priorities for the Machinery Products Regulation

FEM, together with CECE, Orgalim, BusinessEurope and 14 other EU trade associations, has issued a joint statement on the proposed Regulation on Machinery. The statement summarises points that the EU machinery industry unanimously sees as essential to maintain the successful balance between safety and innovation offered by the current Machinery Directive. The co-signatories: Welcome the… Read more »

Joint Industry Statement on Priorities for the Machinery Products Regulation

Joint Industry call for a realistic timeline to implement the new Batteries Regulation

FEM co-signed an industry statement, together with 9 other associations, calling on the European Commission and the co-legislators to ensure a transition period for the implementation of the Batteries Regulation. We support the European Commission’s objective to improve the sustainability of batteries, while protecting the competitiveness of the Single Market. We are fully committed to… Read more »

FEM Position Paper on AI

The FEM has carefully analysed the proposal for a Regulation on “A European Approach to Artificial Intelligence” presented by the European Commission in April 2021 and presents its position on it: • While not in favour of any specific piece of legislation on AI systems in the industrial field, FEM agrees with the need to… Read more »

FEM Position Paper on AI

FEM position on EC proposal for a Regulation on batteries and waste batteries

At the end of 2020, the European Commission published its proposal to revise the legislation on batteries and waste batteries. This new regulation aims that all batteries placed on the EU market become sustainable, high-performing and safe all along their entire life cycle. Our industry is developing battery powered equipment, but also battery packs for… Read more »

FEM position on EC proposal for a Regulation on batteries and waste batteries