FEM for Corporates

About us

FEM for Corporates

In today’s ever evolving and fast-moving landscape, companies need to stay on top of the issues shaping their business. By fostering collaboration and engaging proactively with the European policymaking process, you can stay ahead of the game and turn challenges into opportunities.

Providing a unique ‘’corporate network’’ for future-oriented businesses, FEM offers the opportunity for manufacturers to connect, access valuable insights and influence the EU agenda. By joining our network, you are not only strengthening your position for the future, but you also foster your ability to deliver impact on the policy landscape, ensuring your voice is heard in Brussels.

Further developing how FEM can create value for the industry and increase impact, this ‘FEM for corporates’ promotes a common vision in the aim to maintain Europe’s leading position on the world market.

What is FEM for Corporates?

A unique corporate network for manufacturers to connect, access valuable insights and influence the EU agenda. By joining this network, you strengthen your ability to impact the policy landscape.

Why is this important?

With a fast-moving landscape, companies need to stay on top of the issues shaping their business. By fostering collaboration and engaging proactively with the European policymaking process, you can stay ahead of the game and strengthen your position for the future.

In a nutshell, how can this benefit you?

  • Influence: Shape the agenda on strategic issues impacting the materials handling industry, receiving support on EU legislation and gaining access to the advocacy process.
  • Network: Exclusive engagement with high-level EU-officials and networking opportunities with fellow companies, stakeholders, and policymakers.
  • Visibility: Exposure on FEM’s website with additional opportunities to showcase your company across FEM’s social media channels and in campaigns.

Join the following companies in becoming part of FEM’s corporate network

Contact us

For more information about how to join FEM
please contact us


Christelle Vandermeuter