Industrial Trucks

Product Groups

Industrial Trucks

The Industrial Trucks Product Group represents manufacturers of industrial trucks, their accessories, and components. The Product Group covers:

  • Self-propelled industrial trucks
  • Pedestrian-propelled manual and semi-manual industrial trucks
  • Driverless industrial trucks

The Product Group consists of members from Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Türkiye and the United Kingdom. 


The main purpose of the Product Group is to safeguard the interests of the industry, in particular at economic level and on policy issues. It gathers statistics and coordinates technical work applicable to industrial trucks, as well as their accessories and components.

The Product Group is responsible for all subjects concerning:

  1. Industrial trucks
  2. Industrial tractors and trailers
  3. All types of wheels and castors, excluding those with pneumatic tires and rubber solid tires for pneumatic tire rims
  4. Accessories and components for the above
  5. Systems embodying the above products (including automatic and semi-automatic systems)

International activities

Since 2008, talks between the Boards of FEM IT, ITA (US), JIVA (Japan), and CITA (China) take place annually in the form of an “Alliance”, meeting alternately in North America, Japan, China and Europe. Major topics include the exchange of information on markets and statistical issues, legislation and regulations, engineering, and the environment.

Technical & regulatory activities

The current work items of the Technical Committee and the various technical groups include:

  • Ecodesign
  • Exhaust Emissions
  • Floor requirements and tolerances for VNA applications
  • Foot protection
  • Machinery
  • Outdoor Noise


The ongoing work items of the Statistics Committee include:

  • Quality improvement of data input – avoiding errors of magnitude in the data reporting
  • Reporting modes per country and product type, following EU rules on the exchange of information
  • FEM IT Statistics: order intakes (monthly) and deliveries (quarterly)
  • World Industrial Trucks Statistics (WITS): order intakes (monthly) and deliveries (quarterly)

See section Publications – Technical Guidance, subsection Industrial Trucks.

World Industrial Trucks Statistics

Guidance Documents

Market surveillance – compliance guides

FEM Product Group Industrial Trucks has issued thematic guidelines to help distinguish between compliant and non-compliant machinery by describing essential criteria which can be checked even without in-depth knowledge and technical information.:

Other guides

Industrial Trucks

Active companies

Industrial Trucks


Ernesto Domínguez


Toyota Material Handling Europe

Heiko Boekhoff
